May 30, 2015
I have entered You’ll start with the page for the Sheffield International Artist Book Prize and it has been accepted. I question whether a the book produced in this format is ‘an artist book’ but I was encouraged by Kate Desforges to show the books at the PAGES Leeds | International Contemporary Artists’ Book Fair, where they received a very positive reception. Also Sheffield’s guidelines state ‘we have no desire to engage in discussion about what constitutes an artist’s book beyond clarifying that the prize is not concerned with books about art or artists, but books as art’.
Hence it seems important to put forward comic books as ‘art’. Theses books are my ‘art’. I have consider the format to reflect the format of the poem; along thin book to reflect a poem that tells of a long journey. I have used placement of text and page turn to reflect the rhythm of the poem. Each of the 100 pages has a carefully selected image to reflect the text. So these are the reasons that I decided to submit them.
In the future I would like to produce some more handmade books for poetry comics using printmaking techniques – maybe ready for next year.